Professional pet sitters do much more than provide your pet with food and water while you’re away from home. A good pet sitter also spends time with your pet, gives exercise or cuddles, and knows how to tell if your pet needs veterinary attention. What’s more, pet sitters typically offer additional services, such as bringing in wheelie bins, watering plants, turning lights on and off, and providing homes with a lived-in look that goes a long way to deter unwanted crime.
Below are some things to consider when choosing a pet sitter.
Well Established
Pet Sitting is an enjoyable job that a lot of people would like to do. This can lead to many businesses being set up in this area with people who do not understand the huge time commitment that the job can demand and as a result businesses are closed down only a few months after starting up. It is important to look into how long your chosen pet sitter has been established as the longer they have been running means they are more experienced and usually have a better understanding of exactly what pet sitting entails. It also allows you to build a relationship with your chosen pet sitter so that each time you have to leave your pets in their care you can be assured that they will be looked after well, allowing you to enjoy your holiday with peace of mind.
Copes Well in an Emergency
Pet sitters who have been looking after animals for a long time have usually come across almost every situation at some point in time. This can range from medical emergencies with your pets, emergencies or accidents in your home and even severe weather such as snow. Knowing that your chosen pet sitter can cope well should such things arise is vital when leaving both pets and your homes in their care. A pet sitter should know who your animal’s chosen veterinarian is, or have their own vet on hand if your pets are not registered anywhere close by, and know of any existing and past medical conditions that may need to be monitored with your pets. Your sitter should also be able to handle any unforeseen events that may happen to your home such as a burst pipe or a break in. Having experience in these matters can make a big difference in reducing the worry to yourself whilst you are away from home. Weather can also play a big part in the daily life of a pet sitter, from ensuring that animals stay cool in hot weather to making sure that they can get themselves to your home even if the weather is bad, such as snow and especially if you yourself are facing travel delays. Having a pet sitter who is committed to not letting you down with visits is very important.
There are many agencies who offer pet sitters who work on a part time basis or are self-listed, often they have other jobs outside of pet care. This can mean that your chosen pet sitter may have other commitments during the day or it may even mean that your pet is not visited by the same sitter each day. This can lead to increased nervousness with some animals who are already unsure of being left alone. Having one sitter who visits not only each day throughout the booking period but on each subsequent booking can help a relationship to grow between your pets and your pet sitter. Knowing that your animals have a bond with your sitter will help you to feel more relaxed about leaving them and will help a pet sitter to spot any changes in behaviour that someone who is unfamiliar with the pet may not notice so quickly. Handing over the keys to your home is also a huge area of trust and knowing that pet sitting is the full time job/income of the person can help you to feel assured that they will take good care of your home and carry out your wishes exactly as you would want them, without being distracted by other jobs. Having one sitter also means that your keys and security information are not being passed through multiple people.
Pet sitting is not a regulated industry – this means that a pet sitter isn’t required to be insured. Unfortunately, accidents can happen and you want to make sure you are using an insured provider. Knowing that your sitter has public liability insurance, insurance to cover the loss of your keys and even insurance to cover vet bills of a sick pet if needed can be an important factor when decided who will be looking after your pets and your home.
No Signage on Vehicles
Because pet sitters visit your home they have the added benefit of helping to make your home looked lived in whilst you are away by opening and closing curtains, turning lights and TV’s on and off and even putting your wheelie bins out on the correct days. These benefits can be negated however if your pet sitter turns up in a vehicle that has their business logo and details on the side. Anyone who may be observant will notice that a pet sitter is coming into your home each day and will work out that you are more than likely away on holiday and that your property is empty when the pet sitter’s vehicle is not parked outside. Choosing a pet sitter who does not have vehicle signage can mean that they are able to come and go from your home each day without being noticed and give your home the appearance that you are still there and that the property is occupied.